Thursday, November 16, 2006
Random Facts about Me
First of all, I love to be spontaneous. Just tonight my friends decided to dye their hair, and I it sounded fun, so I did too. I also decided yesterday that I am going to drive 45 min through Austin to go to the Cheesecake factory with some friends because I have been dieing to go!
I am the world's biggest procrastinator. Here it is 1:00 in the morning and I'm typing my blog. I also have 5, one page journals and an essay to write for my University Seminar class due Tuesday, and I know I won't start it until Sunday night.
My favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is to take trips. I can't wait until spring break to go to Chicago. My dream place to travel to is London. I love the British culture.
I am an extremely shy person when I first meet people. I find it is the most awkward time when you have to go to events by yourself and not know anyone. Examples, first day of class, first day at work/orientation at a new job, or college orientation. Once I get to know people though, my shell comes off and I like to be sociable.
I love my alone time. I mean don't get me wrong I love hanging out with friends, but I love having nothing to do and just relaxing watching TV or getting on the Internet.
Pet Peeves: slow drivers, people who get on the highway going 45 mph and not speeding up, kids with no shoes on in public places (Walmart or grocery stores), people who ask a lot of question during movies or while your favorite TV show is on, and people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom (that is just extremely gross yet people in my hall do it all the time), just to name a few.
I get along with and love my family very much. I am very close with my parents and my brother, I tell my mom everything. I also love when we have family get together like holidays and birthdays. If this makes me a dork, then so be it, but it's the truth.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My mom side of the family is Norwegian, and we have a one Norwegian tradition we do every year for Thanksgiving. A few days before Thanksgiving my grandparents, aunt and uncle, my cousins, and my family (we all live in College Station) make lefse. It is sort of like a potato tortilla. If your interested here is a link: We spend an entire evening making about six dozen lefse. It is the best when it's right off the grill with butter. We have been doing this for as long as I can remember. On Thanksgiving we go to my aunt and uncle's house along with about 40 other friends and family. It gets pretty crazy. It sort of a potluck kind of Thanksgiving (everybody brings something). There is always so much food!
For my dad's side (his side is German obviously known by my last name), we always go to our camp house close to Sealy, TX (if anyone knows where that is). We always have this massive bond fire and my brother and I always bring a lot of fireworks, and he also brings his shotgun and bee bee gun (which are always fun, I like to shoot aluminum cans with his bee bee gun). It's in the woods so there are so many deer and there is this farm next to us and they have all these weird animals, like a kangaroo and Chinese deer. All of my dad's side of the family come out, and it's just a lot of fun to spend the day out there.
Only two more weeks!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
An Interesting Day
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Spring Break Plans
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So much to do... So little time!
The rest of the semester is shaping up to look like this:
- I have a presentation on the 7th of November
- I need to go to four more events for my University Seminar class by the 21st
- Write five journal assignments for University Seminar over the five different events I will have to attend by the 21st
- two more paper for English papers; one that I will have to write the rough draft for over Thanksgiving break.
- Including tomorrow's tests, I have two tests each in art and math
- Another paper I will have to write for University Seminar
- I need to attend a cultural event for art then write a review over it by the 17th.
- Then the glorious finals, one for each class
Just when I thought the semester was drawing to a close, oh no, I realize all the work that is still ahead of me. Every time I am not studying, reading, or typing notes I feel as though there is something I have to do. I am getting really stressed out especially over my two tests tomorrow that I am still not 100% prepared for. Wish me luck, and I wish everyone else the same luck who are going through the same work load as I am!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Weekend at Home
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The Departed has a wide cast with many well-known actors. Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg, and Alec Baldwin were just a few. This movie is an extremely violent movie, with a little humor, and a little suspense. It's abput these two characters who are undercover, one as a police man and the other in the Irish Mafia. What I liked most about this movie was the well thought out plot. The whole synopsis of the movie was awesome. I would explain more of what it is about, but it might give details away. If you go to see this movie that you do, get through the first twenty min, then it will start to make since. I was really confused in the beginning, but by the end it all comes together. Just to be warned the movie is rated R so if you go to see it with relatives (parents) some scenes may be slightly awkward, and this film is also very gory and graphic. This movie is also about two and half hours long.
The second movie, somewhat of a chick flick, but not quite, was The Last Kiss, which was also a fantastic movie. I didn't like how the movie seemed to just cut off at the end, but Zack Braff does a really good job with it. This movie will make you angry, sad, and happy all at the same time. Rachel Bilson also does a really good job at acting, in my opinion, but her character is a little naughty, and just to be warned if you like this actress (like I do), be prepared that you may not like her in this movie. The music in this film is also wonderful, and I know I will probably buy the soundtrack! Again this movie is also rated R, so if you are seeing it with relatives (parents) some scenes might be extremely awkward!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I Hate Paper Thin Walls
It's nine o'clock on a week night and I'm studying just like every night, and then I hear her, a girl that lives in the room right next to mine. Every night at what seems to be the exact moment I start studying this girl, who should remain nameless, is on the phone with this guy, who I assume is her boyfriend. Not only is she just talking with him, if that were the case I wouldn't hear her, she is either yelling at him or whining to him, and sometimes even starts whaling and crying to him. It is so annoying, and it seems as the conversation continues her voice gets progressively louder and louder. These fights too, are stupid petty fights. The other night she was arguing about him coming inside. She wanted him to come inside and he wanted her to go outside. That was the whole conversation, it lasted probably 15 min.
This morning I was sleeping in just like every normal Thursday, it's the only day I do not have eight o'clock class, and I found out it is not only her annoying, loud, late night phone calls that bother me, but her inconsiderate behavior. At nine o'clock in the morning she decided it would be fun to blast her music. I was so pissed. I wanted to sleep in until at least 10:30, I don't have class until 12:30 on Thursdays. Of course I couldn't go back to sleep.
Dorms are really not bad, unless you get stuck with the most obnoxious hall mate ever! Tonight of course, isn't any different. She is in her room yelling, whining, and crying to her boyfriend! Oh how fun!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Another Weekend in San Marcos
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Man, Gotta Love Thursdays!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Man! I watch too much TV!

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Why Texas State is the Better School!
I recently joined a new Facebook group called there is a college in my home town, but I didn't stay. That college is A&M. Through out high school I thought that's where I want to go, Texas A&M. It is where my mom and dad went, my brother, two aunts, three uncles, and a cousin all went to school. It's tradition. Fall of my senior year came around, and it was time to take the SATs. Didn't do so well on that test, but I thought "it's OK" I will do better on the ACTs. Didn't do so well on that test either. I was hoping my high GPA would be enough to get in, unfortunately it wasn't. I was upset, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to go to Texas State anyways. So I deceided to go to Texas State, and am so glad that I choses this school. My top ten reasons (in no particular order) why I am happier here than staying in College Station:
1. Texas State is the best school for my major: Elementary Education
2. The campus is so beautiful, and so easy to get around. A&M is really spread out and has at least a 15 min walk everywhere. The most it takes here for me is 5 min.
3. The river. Although I only got to go a few times because its starting to get really cold, it's still awesome to see it driving around. When I did float the river, it was so much fun.
4. The San Marcos Outlet mall. There are so many shops and since it's an outlet, most of the prices are cheaper than in the regular stores. College Station has one mall with only a few good stores, and since there is only one, you can't go anywhere without someone else wearing the same thing.
5. It is so convenient to Austin. Only a short 30 min drive and you can go to the best restaurants and see the best night life. The closest thing to College Station is Houston and that at least an hour and 15 min. drive.
6. Although I really dislike my dorm, I like how Texas State requires you to live in a dorm because you meet a lot of really interesting people.
7. The nightlife in San Marcos is a more interesting. Just last night I went to Lucy's to see a really cool band called Clap Clap!
8. Although A&M really isn't a cult there are just a lot of traditions, Texas State is better because we have a better outlook, we don't look weird during games (A&M is always chanting).
9. There are better restaurants in San Marcos. Joe's crab Shack is so good.
10. Texas State in general is much better than A&M, and I am glad they didn't except me because I have found an even better school! Plus I get to break tradition in my family!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
One test down...many more to go!
Monday, September 11, 2006
World's Greatest Job

Sunday, September 10, 2006