Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I love Thanksgiving, and cannot wait until it arrives. I love our family traditions for this holiday.

My mom side of the family is Norwegian, and we have a one Norwegian tradition we do every year for Thanksgiving. A few days before Thanksgiving my grandparents, aunt and uncle, my cousins, and my family (we all live in College Station) make lefse. It is sort of like a potato tortilla. If your interested here is a link: http://www.cybershingle.com/recipes/pages/lefse/lefse1.htm. We spend an entire evening making about six dozen lefse. It is the best when it's right off the grill with butter. We have been doing this for as long as I can remember. On Thanksgiving we go to my aunt and uncle's house along with about 40 other friends and family. It gets pretty crazy. It sort of a potluck kind of Thanksgiving (everybody brings something). There is always so much food!

For my dad's side (his side is German obviously known by my last name), we always go to our camp house close to Sealy, TX (if anyone knows where that is). We always have this massive bond fire and my brother and I always bring a lot of fireworks, and he also brings his shotgun and bee bee gun (which are always fun, I like to shoot aluminum cans with his bee bee gun). It's in the woods so there are so many deer and there is this farm next to us and they have all these weird animals, like a kangaroo and Chinese deer. All of my dad's side of the family come out, and it's just a lot of fun to spend the day out there.

Only two more weeks!

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