Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This past weekend I went home to College Station. It was so great because I got to spend time with some of my friends from high school that I haven't seen since summer. It was another weekend of going to sporting events too. Friday I went to the A&M basketball game. They beat Prairie View A&M by 30 or something points. It was fun to go to a bball game again I hadn't gone to a game since last year. Saturday I went to the A&M Football game and watched coach Fran call the worst plays for the second week in a row. Who goes for a field goal when your 4th down and 2 yards. They lost by one point for the second week in a row. I was so mad, and I went with my dad, along with other family friends, but it is not fun to be around him when the Aggies are losing. He gives the silent treatment because he gets so angry. After the game though, we celebrated my brother's 24th birthday at my house. Our family friends came over and my mom made chili and we had birthday cake. Later that night I went to see Stranger than Fiction. This is a great movie. It is a strange role for Will Ferrel, but it was still an awesome film. Maggie Gyllenhaal was also really fun and Emma Thompson was hilarious. I recommend seeing it for yourself.

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