Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So much to do... So little time!

Is any one else feeling they have so much to do for the rest of the semester? Right now I am trying to cram for two test that I have tomorrow, Art and Math. After my tests tomorrow I need to fit the study session into my schedule for my history midterm on Tuesday. I also have to go to this presentation for my University Seminar class tomorrow evening. I have about ten pages of notes to type and about 20 pages to read for history. This weekend will be devoted to studying for my history midterm for Tuesday. Then I have the upcoming English rough draft paper, assuming along with the rest of you, on Halloween night, and then the final copy on Friday. That is just the itinerary for the next two weeks.

The rest of the semester is shaping up to look like this:
  • I have a presentation on the 7th of November
  • I need to go to four more events for my University Seminar class by the 21st
  • Write five journal assignments for University Seminar over the five different events I will have to attend by the 21st
  • two more paper for English papers; one that I will have to write the rough draft for over Thanksgiving break.
  • Including tomorrow's tests, I have two tests each in art and math
  • Another paper I will have to write for University Seminar
  • I need to attend a cultural event for art then write a review over it by the 17th.
  • Then the glorious finals, one for each class

Just when I thought the semester was drawing to a close, oh no, I realize all the work that is still ahead of me. Every time I am not studying, reading, or typing notes I feel as though there is something I have to do. I am getting really stressed out especially over my two tests tomorrow that I am still not 100% prepared for. Wish me luck, and I wish everyone else the same luck who are going through the same work load as I am!

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