Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Weekend at Home

So I went home this weekend, first time in about a month, and I had such a good time. I caught up with some of my old friends and my brother also came home (he lives in Dallas) so I got to see him as well. My parents got back from New Port, Rhode Island and brought us back some really cool things from there, like a t-shirt, candle, and other neat souvenir items. I seemed to have gone to almost every Aggie sports event this weekend. If I wanted to hang with my old friends who now go to A&M it seemed I had to go to a sporting event. Friday night I went to the women's soccer game, Saturday my brother's girlfriend's mom (kind of confusing) had tickets to go see the Texas vs. A&M club hockey game, and today I went to the women's lacrosse championship game (because I knew someone playing). I also listened to the football game on the radio Saturday night. A&M won all their games too this weekend. The hockey game was really fun too. I had never been to a hockey game before, my brother was probably getting annoyed with all of my questions. We beat Texas 2 to 1. I missed a lot of our local restaurants in College Station. I went to one of the best burger place around called Koppe Bridge and had an amazing cheeseburger with the world's best fries. Oh and while we were there we watched the end of the Texas and Nebraska game, and being an Aggie at heart I was really upset Nebraska lost! Another wonderful thing about going home is my mom's baking. Whenever I go home she always makes something for me to take back with me. This time she made Special K bars. Finally, one of the greatest parts of going home was seeing my dog!

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