Thursday, October 26, 2006

Spring Break Plans

So I know Spring Break is forever away, but I am so excited for it to come! This week I found out we are going to Chicago for about four days. Chicago has been a place that I have wanted to go to in the United States, along with New York and L.A. My mom called me on Tuesday to ask if I had plans for spring break, and when I said I didn't, she asked if I wanted to go to Chicago! The first thing I asked though was, are we driving or flying? We have driven to pretty much every major vacation! New Mexico (once) to go skiing, Florida (twice) to go to the beach, Washington D.C (once) three days in the car, and North Dakota (three times) to visit family! Which is why when she said we would be flying I was even more excited! I have only flown twice in my life, once to Florida to go to Disney World and to Europe. I think we are just going to site see and maybe see a show! It would be incredibly awesome to go see Oprah, but I know you have to be on a waiting list for like a year or qualify for one of her shows! A Broadway show would also be amazing to see! Apart from going to Europe last year, this trip is going to be one of the greatest vacations I have taken. I love going snow skiing and to the beach, but I am not very good at skiing and I'm deathly afraid of going to far in the water at the beach because I seriously have a big phobia of sharks. So when I go to big cities I can shop, and those vacations are really my favorite vacations! Paris had amazing shopping and I have heard Chicago too has great stores! So only what six more months! Something to look forward to!

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