Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm so excited about this weekend! I'm driving with my two cousins (who go to UT) to Dallas to do many things. First to see my brother who lives in Plano, Texas (a suburb of Dallas). Second to see my cousins who live in McKinney, Texas (another suburb of Dallas). Third to go to Dallas's State Fair. I've never been, but heard its really fun. There is entertainment, food, and rides. Here is the link: http://www.bigtex.com/. Fourth just to have a weekend of fun. The best part is going to be how we are going to fit my parents, my two cousins, a friend, and me into my brother's one bedroom apartment! It should present a challenge. Only three more days. One of those days I get to take two tests :)! Today was a pretty good day. I went to my 8 o'clock class, came back to my dorm and took a two hour nap until my next class at 12:30, which is bowling, and then went to my final class at 3:30. I got really excited in my bowling class because not only did I bowl a 126 (which is very good for me), but my team also beat our opponent team which gave us three points for the day. Three more days.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

you should try palmers and also rivendells, which really has to be seen to be believed. avoid italian garden at all costs.