Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So I haven't gone home in a about a month, but I am going home this weekend. I am very excited! I haven't seen my high school friends that stayed at home to go to A&M in an even longer amount of time because I didn't get to see them the last time I went home. To many things were going on. My best friend, from home, is going skydiving for the second time this Saturday, but it's the first time I will get to watch her. It should be interesting. My parents are in New Jersey right now visiting my uncle, and man I would trade everything to be there right now. I talked to my mom since they got there and she said they were going to bring souvenirs back for my brother and me. I'm excited to see what they are going to bring back for us. I miss my dog. I am hoping he hasn't forgotten about me or mad at me because I left him. I am also in desperate need to take home a lot of my out of season clothes and switch them for my fall clothes. On Friday, I'm hoping to go see Marie Antoinette; the previews look amazing. I watched Kirsten Dunst on Regis and Kelly this morning and she was talking about the movie. Yes I am addicted to Regis and Kelly. I try to watch it whenever I can. Random note: I went to the gym today and took the Cats Crunch class for the second time, and I absolutely love it and recommend it. After the class is over every muscle of my body feels like it was worked. The best part is that the class only lasts for 15 minutes then your done. Only three more days of this week then I can go home, and another random note is that Thanksgiving Break is only four weeks away after this week, then finals, and then Christmas Break. This semester is just flying by.

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