Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One test down...many more to go!

One test down...many more to go. I had my first test in my math class today. I was so nervous. I didn't know how much or how little to study. So just to be safe I spent the past two nights and two hours this morning cramming over all the material. I read over my notes, did practice problems out of the book, and took online quizzes on my mathlab (our online homework program). I was excited to see that all of my hard studying paid off (it really does help to study). I started taking the test and realized I know how to do this; I started to get more and more less nervous. Out of the sixteen problem test there was only one I wasn't sure about. Hopefully I did OK. It was a good feeling realizing I survived my first college test!

1 comment:

Marisela Alyssa said...

OMG I know how you feel!! I had a math test too!!! Hang in there! UGH I HATE MATH!!!!