Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Man! I watch too much TV!

I love TV...I do have a life, but I love TV. I realized going to college my TV watching was going to have to be limited. I begged my dad to let me take my DVR, but he was like no you will be studying remember! Every time I watch a show for the first time...chances are I'm going to get addicted. I have tried to cut some shows out, but it's so hard. Once your hooked on a show it's hard to stop watching. My top favorite shows to watch are Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Smallville, Grey's Anatomy, The Office (which now Smallville, Grey's Anatomy and The Office all come on at the same time) and Project Runway (luckily that show is almost over). Today though, the season premiere of Gilmore Girls was on, and I had to watch it. The show started at 7 pm and I was sad because I missed the first 15 min because I got back from the gym late. My shower took longer than I thought (sometimes I just shower at rec after working out because those showers are so much better than the ones in Elliot). So anyways this semester is going to present a great challenge in how I'm going to balance my studying time and my TV time...we will see how it goes! I guess it is good that I got a roommate who doesn't watch a lot of TV so she never has it on, and it's her TV so I always feel bad when she isn't watching anything to turn it on.

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