Thursday, October 19, 2006

I loved the weather today! Fall is my favorite season when it starts to get cold. I love the color of the trees and seeing the leaves fall. Football season is in the fall; I love Saturday college football. Fall also has two seasons Halloween and Thanksgiving. I love wearing sweaters and jackets and bundling up in blankets. I also tend to go through a lot of hot chocolate in the fall. I love hot chocolate! I only wish it got colder in Texas, but I still love it here! So I'm really excited about the new movies coming out. This week has been a pretty easy week, aside from the five page essay I had to right for Tuesday's History class. My Art test that was supposed to be tomorrow got pushed back to next week. I had my bowling midterm today, but all I had to do was know how to keep score. Once you learn and practice how to keep score, it's really easy to do. So I think I aced that test. This week has just flown by, and now I am ready for the weekend! I get to drive home to College Station right after my art class. I should be home by 4:30 in the afternoon.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

so, what movies were you excited about? we just went to see the departed last night. not bad. but not nearly as good as the original.